
The Seeing Eyes by Apostle Joshua Selman


(Accessing the gift of sight)
Text: Matthew 13:13-16

It is important for the Saints, through The Holy Spirit, to comprehend the means of accessing God’s wisdom for their ultimate glory. (1 Corinthians 2:6-12).

In the scriptures, Jesus never left a blind man unhealed. This carries a prophetic message, as a lack of sight can limit a person in life and destiny.

The message of the seeing eye aims to reveal how the mind of God is made clear to the believer. In Scriptures, the eyes of John the Baptist became blinded in his latter years. Immediately he fulfilled his assignment in identifying Jesus, he strayed from his prophetic path, leading to a tragic end. Just because you had sight for yesterday, does not mean you have sight for today. You must receive the seeing eye for the present!

Sincerity is not enough to actualise destiny. You must have the gift of sight. Motion without direction is a risk.

Prayer: Where you have veered off in life and in destiny, in the name of Jesus, may your eyes be opened tonight, to receive direction!

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Scriptures, labeling them ‘blind leading the blind.’ Similarly, many who were once on the path to destiny have veered off course, unfortunately misguiding their followers.


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