
Lessons From An Overcomer (Destiny-Defining Principles) by Apostle Joshua Selman

The end of the believer’s life is the glory of God made manifest and revealed.Your coming before God’s presence is your commitment to God’s transformation to equip your life, to the end that it reveals the glory of God.

Generally, success at any level provokes people to want to replicate that success. There is no overcomer who sits on the throne of glory with ignorance. There is a realm in destiny where ignorance is not permitted.


2. You cannot have consistent results until your desires and expectations are defined. (Luke 18:39-41, Mark 11:24) Many people never experience success in life because they do not have a definite desire or expectation. What they desire is mostly vague.You cannot have consistent results until your desires and expectations are defined.

Defining your expectations births miracles. When your desires are defined, you will know when your goals have been achieved.There is no overcomer who sits on the throne of glory with ignorance. There is a realm in destiny where ignorance is not permitted.

3. People are not affected by what happens to them; they are affected by the meaning they connect to the happenings.The meaning, interpretation, and definition of what happens to people are what cause their pain and despair.When you learn how to rightly interpret situations that happen in your life, you can laugh through storms.

4. You need encouragement/motivation to start anything, but it will take discipline and endurance to be consistent in life. You are not disciplined if you do not have:1. The staying power i.e. the ability to endure (Hebrews 6:15) 2. The power of restraint (the ability to say NO to many good things in life).

Areas to Measure for Success

1. Your Spiritual Growth

2. Mental Transformation

3. Purpose, Ambition, and Career, as far as life and destiny are concerned.

4. Health and Wellness

5. Your Financial Well-being

6. Quality Relationships (You are as secure as the relationships you have).

7. Fulfilment and Meaning

Should it happen that you’re closer to your destiny helpers or day of visitation, are you prepared? If you do not have a definition for your desires, they will never come to pass. Having vague desires is the major reason people never actualize their aspirations. As a believer, it is important to believe in the power of dreams and visions; it is God’s way of preparing your mind to receive what He has in store for you.

It is never what happens to you that has the power to destroy you, it is the meaning you associate with what happens to you.

Ego is an industry and there are businesses built on the deficiencies in men. Ego is what sometimes interprets the happenings in your life. When you learn to give proper meanings to situations, offence will be minimized in your life.When you wrongly interpret happenings in your life, you will perpetually live in offence.

God gives speed, but He does not rush people unnecessarily.As a Minister of the gospel, don’t feel too anointed and be under pressure to impress or please people.

You are never disadvantaged if you have to pray or seek counsel before you act. Even if the opportunity leaves because you took time to pray or seek counsel, God in His mercy will recycle the seasons and bring the opportunity to you again.

Patience is a virtue that forces deception to reveal itself -Mike Murdock _Deception is an impatient trait; the moment you make up your mind to be patient, you force deception to reveal itself.

You will never live in a world where all men love you, it doesn’t exist. Conversely, if you live in a world where all men hate you, you’re doing something very wrong consistently.

You need both supporters and critics. Unfortunately, neither of these categories of people is invited. The world system was designed to trigger their arrival, uninvited, but when where you are in life needs their actions.


Exousia Media @ https://exousiaamedia.com

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