
July KOINONIA Miracle Service 2023 With Apostle Joshua Selman

July KOINONIA Miracle Service: Tonight, cry out to God for an encounter and deliverance, with focused dedication and faith. Pray: Lord, give me an encounter tonight, by Your Spirit. “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: Hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?”‭‭Numbers‬ ‭23:19‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)_I prophesy that all that God has told you, in your lifetime, you will surely see it come to pass.

When God speaks, there is power backing it up to see it come to pass.Tonight is an unusual service, shake away unbelief. Pray: Lord, something must happen to my life and destiny tonight, in the name of Jesus.

Prophecy: For anyone under the sound of my voice, using a stretcher and unable to walk, begin to move your legs and walk now, in the name of Jesus!

The power of God is visiting families and restoring everything that was lost. I declare restoration now, in the name of Jesus! Every family tied down, I bring you the restoring power of Jesus! I declare, receive that grace now!

Every manipulation on the time of your destiny, I place a mantle upon you and declare, let there be restoration now in the name of Jesus!

An anointing is coming upon people now and I hear in my Spirit “THE TIME HAS COME”. I prophesy unto you in the name of Jesus, the time has come for you!

Anyone under the sound of my voice, I declare that every door that has been closed, by witchcraft, in your life and destiny, I declare that door opens up now!

The power of God is visiting footballers and an anointing for performance is coming upon them, take that grace now, in the name of Jesus!

“I will declare thy name unto my brethren: In the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.”‭‭Psalm‬ ‭22:22‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)_It is very profitable, first to you and then to God’s people that you testify of God’s faithfulness. Lay it to heart to testify, when you see The Hand of God in your life.

When you witness the goodness of God in your life, it is important to let people know that He heals, opens doors, and performs miracles, signs, and wonders._By all means, whether in real-time or on the go, make it a point of duty and an orientation in your heart to always return to testify.

A storm is a disturbance of the normal conditions of the atmosphere or the normal course of a thing.

A storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere, usually characterised by strong wind, rain, thunder and lightning.


Exousia Media @ https://exousiaamedia.com

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