
How The Devil Attacks Believers – Apostle Joshua Selman

The way the devil attacks the believer is to attack his values because the spiritual values of a believer build a wall around you, an attack on your values and Godly standard is an attack on your life.

This might not be a nice message especially to our world today but let me announce to you all that the foundations of the Lord standeth sure having this seal that the Lord knoweth them that are His and that everyone who names the name of the Lord should depart from inequity. APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN.

The bible says in a great house they are different vessels, vessels of woods, clay, silver and of God he says some are unto honour and some are unto dishonor but here is the condition “if a man will purge himself” that man will become a vessel unto honour fit for the master’s use.A generation that loses its Godly value is a generation that satan will take advantage of.

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