
Experiencing Divine Encounter by Apostle Joshua Selman || KOINONIA Abuja

Believers in Christ are destined to be signs and wonders. Your life and christian experience should inspire others to know and desire Jesus, celebrating God’s grace in your life.

The house of God serves as an authorized platform where believers are mentored and groomed in the knowledge of Christ and the kingdom of God. The true value of the anointing in a believer’s life is revealed through transformation. If a believer seeks anointing without undergoing transformation, the bankruptcy of transformation can downplay the impact of the anointing.The anointing of the Spirit, in partnership with the believer’s level of transformation, produces extraordinary results. When it has to do with transformation, there are no granduands. There’s always a superior version of yourself to strive for. The quality of your christian experience and faith journey hinges on the type and extent of your encounters with God.In the spiritual realm, certain spiritual levels, mantles, and graces require corresponding encounters to be obtained.If you truly hunger for God, you must earnestly long for and seek divine encounters. An encounter is simply an experience a believer has with God that reveals God in a structured way and crystallizes that reality.The dimension of God that you experience and encounter is the dimension of God you reveal to your world.

Encounters with God are essential to avoid a mundane life. It takes genuine encounters with God to access power! In this kingdom, the trajectory of a believer’s life and future hinges on the confidence derived from these divine encounters with God.


  1. Encounters by The Word – Light from The Scripture. (1 Samuel 3:21)

An encounter by The Word is the kind of encounter that everyone who desires to do exploits for God must desire.It can occur daily depending on your passion for God and His Word. He can reveal Himself through His Word, encompassing His wisdom, power, favour, prophetic blueprint, etc. Everything contained in God can be revealed to a believer, through an encounter with Him.Studying Scripture without the Spirit of revelation, will not provide you with an encounter. The light hidden within the verses, parables, and prophecies of the Scripture must be revealed to you; otherwise, you have not had an encounter. “And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,” Luke‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)_Until you intentionally search the Scriptures, you will not find specific mysteries, instructions, or blueprints for your destiny. Encounters open up your portion to you, so that you receive illumination from The Scripture. Studying Scripture is divided into three phases: historic, doctrinal, and prophetic.The Bible, from a historical standpoint, documents past events.From a doctrinal composition, it is a body of truth that empowers disciples to resemble their master.However, Scripture also possesses a prophetic dimension that can reveal light from the Word and provide specific instructions for the believer. Revelation received from God’s Word can change the historical scenery portrayed in Scripture and provide a personal encounter that can profoundly impact your world. It opens your eyes to see and understand God’s current communication.

Pray: Lord, baptise me with the Spirit of revelation.In the name of Jesus, I access the prophetic dimension of Scripture.

To interpret revelations accurately, it is important to have a solid doctrinal understanding of The Scripture. Without it, prophetic revelations may be flawed and prone to errors.Discernment is derived from the soundness of your doctrinal understanding of Scripture.


Exousia Media @ https://exousiaamedia.com

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