Koinonia May 2024 Miracle Service
Many desires and requests that believers present to God are intended to be fulfilled through spiritual growth. There are some things that should no longer be a concern in the presence of ever-increasing growth.If your requests list keeps increasing, outside of intercession for others, your growth is questionable. Something happens to Believers when they grow, increase in wisdom, and stature, and increase in favour with God and men._Epileptic victory is not God’s plan for the Believer’s destiny.
Your stability is based on knowledge._You shouldn’t be relying solely on coming to a Miracle Service for your problems to be sorted. Instead, seek to gain the knowledge that equips you to administer solutions or address the areas of your life with confidence. Many of the answers to our prayers are growth-dependent. Commanding total victory is not a product of sentiment, but a product of growth._When you refuse to grow, your results will be temporary because you lack the knowledge responsible for sustaining them. Enemies Of Advancement, Triumph, Liberty, Joy and Rest: 1. Ignorance: (Acts 19:2, Ephesians 4:18, Luke 19:41-44).Ignorance is dangerous; it can alienate Believers from the potential of the ZoĆ« life. Ignorance in all its ramifications puts a person at a disadvantage 2. Limiting Beliefs: A faulty mentality. This is not ignorance, it is incomplete information.The quality of a man’s destiny is factored in by limiting beliefs. Mentality defines destiny. The quality of a man’s destiny is not determined by the will of God, a man’s destiny is determined by will.3. Indecision and Procrastination: (Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 18:9, Psalm 119:60)Procrastination is the art of putting off or delaying something requiring prompt action, despite knowing it can have negative consequences often because it will be stressful, uncomfortable, or boring.4. Inaction: (Proverbs 14:23)This is the laxity to move. Knowledge becomes profitable when it partners with action.5. Lack of Strategies: also known as inefficiencies. (Luke 1:34-35)It is vision/prophecy plus strategy that births manifestations. Your real victory is not just bringing Jericho’s walls down but knowing the how-to. Vision in addition to strategy is what equals manifestation.
God creates and establishes systems to maintain order, but He can override them at His discretion.The absence or lack of strategy reveals a deficiency in wisdom, which harms many people. Many destinies are hindered from progressing due to a lack of strategy._Lay your hands on your head and declare: Father, reveal the strategy for the prophetic word You have given me. I receive the strategy for the manifestation of the words You have spoken to me in this season!. The victory of the believer all through the Scriptures is not entirely prophecy-dependent but strategy-dependent. Strategy is the battery that powers the clock of your destiny.
It is dangerous to use your own strategy to birth God’s vision.Pray: Lord, show me the strategy for my tomorrow, such that You can be glorified in and through my life. Open my eyes, let me see the strategy that brings me rest roundabout.
Enemies Of Advancement, Triumph, Liberty, Joy and Rest:
- Exhaustion or Weariness: It is those who keep at it without being weary in well doing that gain victory (Galatians 6:9).
- Overdependence on Men (people): This has pegged many great prophetic destinies.
God will always use men (people) but doesn’t mandate that you put your trust in men (Isaiah 31:3).
God will always use men (people), but you must allow Him to choose the people to use.
- Direct Demonic Assault: Satan with a very organized demonic structure launches attacks on the saints. Your job is not to hate satan. Hatred is not a weapon (1 Peter 5:8).