Apostle Joshua SelmanGospel

Doxaza (His Glory Revealed) by Apostle Joshua Selman

It is important for Believers to know that we were all created for God’s glory. This means that we count in God’s program.It is the mandate and responsibility of every Believer to give God glory through their lives. (Psalm 86:12, Exodus‬ ‭15‬:‭11‬, Isaiah 43:5-7). The Hebrew expression for Glory is “KAVOD/KABOD”. It means honor, respect, distinction, and importance. It means a measure of the worth and value of a thing, which results in praise. The Greek expression of the word glory is “DOXA”. Doxa talks about radiance and splendor. It is concerned with the manifestation, flaunting, and unveiling. It means to make visible what was once hidden. The Greek word for Glory is “Doxa” and it means radiance and splendour. It is concerned with the manifestation, and flaunting, to make visible what was once hidden.Doxazo means to praise, extol, hold in honour, to make someone renowned and famous.Doxazo is to make the dignity and worth of a person to become manifest and acknowledged.

The word “Doxazo” means to praise. It means to extol, to hold in honour a person or a thing, to make renowned or famous.In essence, “Doxazo” means to make the dignity and the worth of a person or a thing become manifest or acknowledged. It is concerned with the manifestation of the glory, not just the awareness or knowledge. Everything you find in your experience with God becomes a mandate for you to reveal to the nations. The dimension of God you want to reveal to the nations must first become your experience before translating it to become your mandate. Carrying out a mandate without an experience with God will make your witnessing of that dimension unconvincing or unfruitful.

The Channels for Manifesting and Revealing the Glory Of God

(Jeremiah 9:23): 1. Wisdom. (2.) Power/Might (Intellectual, political, and relational might). (3). Riches or Wealth.

Everything you find in your experience with God becomes a mandate for you to reveal to the nations. The dimension of God you want to reveal to the nations must first become your experience before translating it to become your mandate. Carrying out a mandate without an experience with God will make your witnessing of that dimension unconvincing or unfruitful. The degree to which the wisdom of God flows through your life is the degree to which the Glory of God is revealed, captured, and manifested in your life.There is a mindset birthed through wisdom that only those in Christ can have. (Luke 1:17. What is Power?It is the ability to produce results. It is the ability to compel compliance.It is the ability to produce desired outcomes.

You cannot manifest the glory of God without Power, whether Spiritual or Intellectual power.Power is the ability to produce results. It is the ability to compel compliance and desired outcomes. The subject of wealth and riches has nothing to do with flamboyance.It is a tool that empowers you to reveal the glory of God, live a comfortable life, be efficient, and fund the program of God. There is no Kingdom program that is not dependent on finances. Poverty is bad in every ramification. It strips a man of dignity and honour and stops him from being a blessing. Stealing, lying and compromise are inevitable in the presence of poverty. There is dignity when you have wealth with vision and purpose. (Genesis 17:6)_In the name of Jesus Christ, whatever has robbed you and your family of financial resources, I open a season of financial blessings in your life.

Two Ways That Finances/Resources Comes to You:

(1). Value: If you are not valuable or if your value is not needed within the presence of those who can reward it, you will experience poverty. Your value must be discovered, refined, and delivered or served with excellence. (2). Favour through relationships: You are as powerful as the relationships you have. The quickest way to rise is to find favour with men, bringing blessings from God through men (relationships). Who hates you does not matter, who likes you matters.

When the right people see your gifts, they will announce it to their circle.Whoever is praying that you arrive and come into their space, by prophecy, I push you into their space. Doxazo is when God is glorified through the healings, prosperity, and the teaching ministry. It turns from Doxa to Doxazo when Jesus begins to be revealed and glorified through these good works. One way God is greatly glorified is when you have lasting results. When your results don’t have longevity, it fuels people’s disdain for God.

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