
Koinonia School of Ministry 2023 Graduation

The School of Ministry operates a two-fold methodology:

  1. Mentorship – a systematic strategy that builds people methodically.
  2. Empowerment – an impartation that ensures results (John 15:16).

a. Chosen: it means a selection
b. Ordain: it means to legitimize your operations.

The anointing can be accessed in the following ways:

  1. Through a direct encounter with God (Micah 3:8)
  2. By understanding The Word of God.

Empowerment comes through light from the scriptures (Habakkuk 3:4).

  1. Impartation from carriers of graces (Philippians 1:7, Romans 1:11). Paul says all are partakers of “my grace”. The “my grace” is not ownership but stewardship.

Impartation is real. It was seen in the life of Moses, as his spirit was put on 70 Israelites and on Joshua (Numbers 11:23-25, 27:18-20, Deuteronomy 34:9).

The anointing can make you, frame you, be deposited in your spirit, and impart a level of wisdom upon you.

Once you step into your calling, you cease to be an ordinary person; there’s a grace that backs you up.


Exousia Media @ https://exousiaamedia.com

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