
Navigating Prophetic Seasons 1 (Behold I do a new thing) with Apostle Joshua Selman

Navigating Prophetic Seasons 1. “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭(KJV‬‬). There are lights that signify seasons, and there are lights that signify years. Light transcends illumination. If your eyes are not trained, and your understanding isn’t equipped, prophetic seasons can pass you by and be aborted due to ignorance.” In God’s economy, nothing happens on the earth that should take men by surprise; there would always be a witness in partnership with God. (Amos 3:7-8). The merging of numerous prophetic seasons defines your lifetime, and the quality of your life hinges on your spiritual intelligence to discern and navigate through these seasons. Those who leave a lasting impact in this kingdom are the ones capable of interpreting the signs and pointers to prophetic seasons.

Prophetic seasons bring about changes in patterns.When prophetic seasons are not discerned appropriately, they can result in a loss of relevance. Remaining relevant requires discerning seasons and reinventing oneself.

As a believer, you must learn how to interpret prophetic occurrences through the lens of The Spirit, to align with your prophetic destiny.Be careful not to misinterpret your current season. Mary was in great trouble of losing her marriage, reputation, and credibility; yet, God said she was blessed and highly favoured.

Keys to Experiencing Prophetic seasons

3. Obedience. (Luke 5:5)_When it has to do with walking with God, creativity is not important. It is your alignment and your obedience that are paramount. God is merging certain graces with other carriers of unique graces—a powerful spiritual combination to be used by God as battle axes in this end time. He is building Kingdom warriors (arsenals that the world has not seen) in this season for His end-time army. It is important to understand spiritual arsenals and equip yourself with various spiritual weapons to remain victorious.Do not limit yourself to just one or reject other spiritual arsenals; prayer, influence, wisdom, the angelic, your gifts, prosperity, etc. can play major roles in God’s end-time agenda.

Five Prophetic Seasons Being Opened To The Body Of Christ

1. The season of the harvest. (Matthew 9:37-38)_There will be a massive salvation of souls, demanding an awakening that God will place on men.

2. The season of an abundance of grace. (Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 9:8)_Manifestations of divine abilities; ordinary men empowered in extraordinary ways, carrying out unusual activities of The Spirit.

Five Prophetic Seasons Being Opened To The Body Of Christ

4. The season of intense spiritual warfare. (Psalms 82:6-7, Matthew 26:41)._This is a call for a higher level of spiritual intelligence.

5. The season of rewards. (Hebrews 11:6)_There will be mighty visitations upon people, families, and regions.


1. Pray: Lord, grant me the seeing eye, hearing ear, and the capacity to discern and interpret what You are doing in my life this season._Lord, grant me the flexibility to follow virgin dimensions in the spirit, to bring me into my place of destiny.

2. Pray: Lord, grant me the grace for obedience. Help me to do what You will have me do per time.

3. Lift your voice and pray for yourself and everyone connected to you. Declare: The rod of the wicked will not dwell upon the lot of the righteous, in the name of Jesus.

4. Declare: The lampstand God has lit with His fire will remain burning to shine the light on everyone._Rebuke the spirit of pride, fear, and complacency in the name of Jesus!

5. Cover your children and family in prayer. Decree that Satan will not attack anyone connected to you. _Pray for sound health and longevity of impact. Declare: I shall not die!


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